Monday 2 February 2015

Forgotten Gems

Most people have been attempting 'dry January' this new year to cut down on their drinking habits, but for a makeup junkie like me I've dedicated myself to a makeup buying ban (eek!) for as long as I can last and boy has it been hard! I've been cutting way back on all my expenses to save money for training courses (exciting blog posts will follow this exciting new venture) and partly down to the fact I have no more space for any more makeup! I had a huge clear out at the beginning of the year and chucked a lot of junk I was hoarding - hideous shades of lipstick I'l never be seen dead in, eye shadows with awful colour pay off and even some empty bottles rattling around! Any makeup addict will agree that even throwing out crappy makeup is painful, but it helped me re-discover some long forgotten gems that had been lost to the depths of my drawers and boxes and replaced with newer purchases. Here's some amazing products that I've dusted off and rekindled my love for...

Thursday 6 November 2014

Makeup Revolution Haul

Makeup Revolution is pretty much the new kid on the block, but let me tell you this is one brand that is kicking ass right now! If you haven't already heard of them (In which case you must be living under a rock somewhere) Makeup Revolution is a fairly new makeup brand that offers amazing quality products at surprisingly cheap prices - similar to Makeup Academy Cosmetics but way better.

The first time I decided to have a look at their website and see what all the fuss was about, I couldn't resist a huge haul, oops! To be perfectly honest, I wish I'd have bought even more...

Aqua Seal £3 A great liquid eye primer and mixing medium for loose pigments, a little goes a long way!

Tuesday 19 August 2014

e.l.f haul

So many people believe that for good quality makeup there is a hefty price tag attached and don't get me wrong. high end is fantastic however cheaper drugstore brands are seriously stepping up their game - enter e.l.f cosmetics. Eyes Lips Face cosmetics, or e.l.f for short, are an amazing brand that offer great products for incredibly cheap prices. Products are only a few pounds each and if that isn't enough, their frequent sales and discount codes mean you can stock up your makeup bag without feeling guilty!

Monday 11 August 2014

Maybelline Colour Tattoo eye shadows

Maybelline colour tattoo shadows have been out for a while and I've been slowly collecting each colour. Used alone these shadows don't crease even on my oily lids and can be used as a light wash or solid colour. The shadows are also amazing bases for underneath eye shadows to increase the pigmentation of the look - I love using the black, charcoal, purple or navy to create intense smokey eyes.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

MUA velvet lacquers new spring shades

Since the release of the first 5 shades of the velvet luxe lacquers I have been in love with them, but when they announced the release of four new shades I had to get my hands on them. Because MUA are so lovely they sent me a discount code on my birthday for 20% off - the lip lacquers are only £3 each so all four only cost £9.80 with my discount code!